Helping the sector connect
At the heart of JewelBase is the understanding that as an industry, we need to become more connected, more adaptive and more responsive to the changing world around us. To help with this, we are developing a UK-wide, secure, trade-only platform that will enable all aspects of the trade to advertise the availability of their products or services to jewellery businesses.
We want to help ensure that we can continue to trade, whatever the future brings.
JewelBase helps individual traders connect with a more wide ranging customer base, and due to its security set up, will enable those businesses wanting to remain private to the public to gain new clients - listing what services they have, what availability of product there is and where they are located, in order to enable continued trade in circumstances such as lockdown. All traders will be able to update their stock and availability at any time, through their own secure login.
We will be releasing the first phase of the database soon; please add your email to the list using the box below in order to be one of the first businesses on the site.